
Gender test लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Gender questions paper

  Gender Test- 20 marks Date-........................ Q. No.(01) Direction : Look at the words and answer the questions given below - [ This, That, she, Me, You, What, Our, His, Us, Who, They, he, Yourself, I, It, Her, Them, Her, Everybody, Each, Him, Either, Anyone, Both, Nothing, which, itself. ] 1) Pick out the pronouns of masculine gender from the box. 2) Pick out the pronouns of feminine gender from the box. 3) Pick out the pronouns of common gender from the box. 4) Pick out the pronouns used for all genders from the box. Q No.( 02) Define it with suitable examples :- a) Neuter Gender b) Common Gender c) feminine Gender Q No. (03) Direction : Look at the box and answer the questions given below - [teacher, ciw, bitch, doctor, king, stone, driver, queen, widow, dog, enemy, hen, hostess, tea, poet, friend, prince, princess, master, mistress, jew, goddess, tigress, auther, lioness, landlord, class, she-goat, chairman, honesty, child, stepson, thief, mother, studen...